Butterfly Rainforest - Gainesville, Florida

There is a saying called 'Butterflies in the stomach', but here it's butterflies everywhere. I am talking about Butterfly RainForest. This is one of the top attractions of Ganiesville. It is part of the Florida Museum of Natural History. 

The rainforest typically contains 60 to 80 butterfly and moth species at any one given time. Trying to limit the number of varieties below.

Great Orange Tip

The flowering plants and butterflies in the exhibit change regularly, making each visit unique and full of new discoveries. Below is a gallery where butterflies are being nurtured before being released to the exhibit.

Blomfild's Beauty

Blue Morpho

Extreme left - Clipper

There is a small man-made waterfall with turtles and fishes which creates a great environment around and make it feel like a real rainforest.

You can also see Live Butterfly Releases Monday to Friday at 2 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m., 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.